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faces of a vibrant economy launch

Grant Thornton launched Faces of a Vibrant Economy last night with a photo exhibition at Central Saint Martins, London.

More than 200 people were in attendance to celebrate the Faces, people and organisations that are doing business differently. The exhibition was populated by photos taken by the world renowned Magnum Photos.

Selected by Grant Thornton UK and an independent panel, the 100 Faces are recognised for their roles in shaping a more purposeful, innovative and socially responsible business environment.

The Faces cross sectors, span the country and represent virtually all industries. The list includes: James Timpson OBE, Timpson Group; Amy Peake, Loving Humanity; Joanne Roney OBE, Wakefield Council and Patrick Grant, Community Clothing. For the full list please click here.

Faces is one part of Grant Thornton’s vibrant economy agenda, which seeks to stimulate the ideas and action that could develop an economy where businesses play a larger role in driving positive social change.

At the event, Laura Tenison MBE, JoJo Maman Bébé, Talisha Johnson, Skool Girl Online and Laurence Kemball-Cook, Pavegen shared their experiences of building businesses and what a vibrant economy means to them. Grant Thornton CEO Sacha Romanovitch and Leader of the Brand, Culture & Sustainability Agenda Norman Pickavance also spoke about the need for collaboration, optimism and forward-thinking to build a brighter business future.

To find out more about Grant Thornton’s vibrant economy agenda, please see here.

For an overview of the Faces of a Vibrant Economy, see below:

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