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IEP Launches IMPACT20: The National Conversation Podcast tackling some of the biggest issues facing our nation

The Inclusive Economy Partnership (IEP), led by the Cabinet Office, this month launched IMPACT20: The National Conversation Podcast, bringing together senior leaders from across business and society to share their views on what an inclusive economy should look like in a post-COVID 19 world.

The IEP brings together business, civil society and government to tackle the UK’s most pressing social and economic problems through cross-sector partnerships.

Seven Hills produced the six series podcast hosted by Shevaun Haviland, Cabinet Office Deputy Director and Lead for the IEP and Edie Lush, co-host for Global Goals podcast and former Economics and Political Correspondent, Bloomberg.  Some of the most pervasive issues in our society are discussed including financial inclusion, inequality and mental health, and how business, government and society can get together to solve these problems.

Podcast guests comprise business leaders and activists including Steve Murrells, Chief Executive of the Co-Op Group, Nazir Afzal, the prosecutor of the Rochdale grooming gang and Emma Howard-Boyd, Chair of the Environment Agency, discussing what the future looks like post COVID around the UK.

The podcasts launch alongside nine digital roundtables being hosted in regions across the UK from Glasgow and Belfast to Cardiff and London, designed to listen to the challenges faced by communities up and down the country.   The roundtables bring together lived experience voices, Government ministers, CEOs, business leaders and innovators to provide a national picture of the unique challenges and opportunities facing the City Regions.

You can listen to the podcasts here on Audioboom, Apple and Spotify.

Podcast Series

Communities: Delivering resilience and recovery for the UK economy

COVID-19 has shown the power of communities to foster resilience and collaboration in adversity, tackling the economic and social challenges of a global pandemic with local solutions.  

  • Dawn Austwick, CEO, The National Lottery Fund
  • Steve Murrells, Chief executive of the Co-op Group
  • Hannah Sloggett, Co-Founder, Community Nudge Builders

Skills and Talent: Future-proofing the UK workforce in a period of global uncertainty

Entire industries will be forced to adapt to a world reshaped by COVID-19. This will dramatically impact the skills and expertise required to build a thriving and prosperous workforce in the UK.

  • Leena Nair, Global HR Officer, Unilever
  • Bejay Mulenga, Entrepreneur 
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