On Wednesday 14th September, LeapFrog Investments brought 150 of the world’s leading investors and entrepreneurs to London for Leap 2016, a creative gathering that examined the business implications related to the rise of four billion emerging consumers.
Leap 2016 was a day filled with talk and action surrounding disruption, breakthrough and purpose; all led by the private equity firm that has a $1 billion commitment to social impact businesses across emerging markets.
Seven Hills worked closely with LeapFrog to make the event a global conversation, including sessions with the chairman of Banco Santander, Ana Botín, and former chairman and CEO of AXA, Henri de Castries, alongside the CEOs of LeapFrog’s portfolio companies throughout Africa and Asia.
BBC presenter Justin Webb hosted panels on the engines and models that will typify tomorrow’s growth, whilst LeapFrog founders Dr. Andrew Kuper and Dr. Jim Roth were prominent voices throughout the day, urging attendees to carry on the conversation.
Seven Hills also conducted high profile media interviews with BBC World Service programmes, ‘Business Day’ and Tech Tent, as well as with the London Evening Standard and the Daily Telegraph.
Held at The Banking Hall in central London, Leap 2016 connected and celebrated those bringing impact, influence and innovation to the emerging markets, which are playing a major role in rebalancing the global economy.