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martin mccourt on the capital conversation

Former Dyson CEO Martin McCourt is Michael’s guest on Capital Conversation this Sunday.

In a discussion that focuses on the future of work, Martin provides his thoughts on what British industry needs to do to improve its productivity, how automation will affect employment, and the UK’s innovative history.

“We definitely punch above our weight when it comes to inventiveness,” Martin says, “Going back to the industrial revolution, look at all the great inventions that emerged in our country – we are the envy of the world.”

But he warns businesses must act with ambition to attract investment.

“If the fires aren’t burning then I wouldn’t really be drawn towards a business,” he explains.

“If the idea’s great, I then look at the people. I look at the founders and ask, ‘What are they like?’ And do they have the capacity to take their idea forward?”

Tune in to London Live this Sunday at 5.30pm to watch.

See the trailer here.

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