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Seven Hills delighted to welcome Sophie Currah as Campaign Executive

Seven Hills is delighted this summer to welcome Sophie Currah to the team as Campaign Executive, following a successful four-week internship.

Here Sophie shares her account of her internship, talking about the day-to-day of life as an intern and its importance in preparing new starters for life at Seven Hills.

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Sophie Currah

I remember receiving the call in May to tell me I had been accepted to take on a Seven Hills internship. I was delighted by the news – although to have successfully stepped-up to become a full-time Campaign Executive as a result has been even more exciting!

The word ‘intern’ can undeniably conjure negative connotations. Worried about how much time you will be spending at the kettle or in front of the photocopier. I arrived on my first day and was pleasantly surprised to do little of either – discovering early on that life as a Seven Hills intern is fast-paced and full on!

I was thrown into the deep end from day one; pitching ideas to boost social media engagement, taking part in client events, preparing briefing documents, and joining the daily newspaper reviews.

My Seven Hills intern experience strengthened my passion for current affairs and my understanding of issue-based businesses. It also opened my eyes to working with sectors that I did not know I was interested in. Coming from a background in politicis, I found myself naturally edging towards a career in communications and PR, but was petrified by the huge world of tech.

Little did I know, I would finish my four-week internship with a newfound love for tech, and the innovation and entrepreneurialism that comes with it.

When I was hired, I knew this would be a fantastic place to kick-start my career, develop my professional skills and learn so much more about the business world. I haven’t had a dull day since joining, and I’d recommend the internship to anyone who is considering it. You won’t regret it.

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Chapter 1 outlines the concept of mission and how the breakthrough brands of today have succeeded by building a mission that inspires belief, generates a following and instils a purpose beyond profit.