On Friday, the Seven Hills Academy hosted David Mattin, Global Head of Trends and Insights at TrendWatching. He delivered a presentation to Seven Hills called ‘Four Crucial Consumer Trends for 2017’, which covered the important technologies and consumer behaviours expected to dominate in 2017.
TrendWatching defines a consumer trend as a new manifestation among people – in behavior, attitude, or expectation – of a fundamental human need, want or desire.
At times philosophical, David’s presentation mapped out the nature of trends and, crucially, how they transform consumer expectations. For example, research has found that the longer Uber has been in a city, the less willing its residents are to wait for a car.
He proceeded to speak on ‘mega-trends’ including: Transparency, Ethical Concern and the Filter Bubble. A key theme of the talk was the transformative technological progress we have seen – and will continue to see – in the twenty-first century.
We thank David for sharing his predictions with us and we look forward to seeing how they develop in the new year.