Business-backed STEM campaign Your Life was celebrated last night with an inspiring event at Rocketspace. Chair of the campaign Edwina Dunn led a strong cast of speakers, all banging the drum for STEM subjects and reflecting on the great achievements of Your Life, which wrapped up its final year– having launched in 2014.
The evening saw the launch of Your Life’s final impact report, which contains a number of recommendations, calling on government and industry leaders to redouble efforts to tackle the UK’s on-going skills crisis, in the face of slowing productivity.
“The gap in graduate skills in maths and physics is the main issue hampering the UK’s competiveness, with an estimated 40,000 STEM roles unfilled every year. In the hope of addressing this, today’s report covers everything we have learned over the past three years and outlines the action that must be taken to find a solution to this crisis,” said Edwina.
We also heard from Rt Hon Elizabeth Truss MP, who echoed the urgent nature of STEM uptake in the UK and confirmed government’s commitment to boost it.
Entrepreneurs Ruth Amos, of Stairsteady and Nasrin Hafezparast of Outcomes Based Healthcare both took to the stage to talk about how important studying maths and science had been for them and their careers.
It was also a special evening for Seven Hills, having helped launch Your Life in 2014, we produced the Your Life Impact Report and helped to shape what was a wonderful celebration of the initiative.
Inspirational stories from two female founders at the @YourLifeTeam event tonight! #STEM #futurefinder
— Madelaine (@MadelaineH0lden) December 7, 2017